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Showing posts from June, 2015

From the vaudeville era

Dance Star Dancing with the Stars: We Dance

Dance Star Dancing with the Stars: We Dance Dance Star Dancing with the Stars: We Dance All-new stars from past seasons! All-new licensed music from top artists! New professional dancers! Even more engaging dance mechanic - Plus all-new special "Flair" moves In   This game is hilarious fun! The main skill challenge is rhythm matching - pretty much all upper body - though dancing along can help you keep time. Here's my main point: I was surprised and delighted to find that my husband can play this from his wheelchair! We can "dance" together with the 2-player games and he beats my score every time! I just thought people should know that this game is fully playable for those with major disabilities. All you need is the ability to control your arms and to see the screen - even the hearing impaired can play!   deep_discount_dvd_cd . Dance Star Dancing with the Stars: We Dance