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From the vaudeville era

20 Crazy Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend

20 Crazy Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend   Have fun asking your boyfriend these 20 crazy questions! 20 Crazy Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend 20 Crazy Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend 20 Crazy Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend 20 Crazy Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend Even though they are Silly, they are definitely "getting to know you" questions. You can learn a lot about your boyfriend by his answers. Listen and you will hear his priorities, passions and goals in his crazy answers. These perfect questions for couples will spice up your next date. Throw in one of these questions in the next email you send him. They are a fun way to connect with your boyfriend. Crazy Questions #1-10: Question #1: If you had to live out the rest of your life as a famous fictional character, who would you be and why? Question #2: Which one song describes your life the best? Why? Question #3: If you had to be an animal for one week, which animal would you choose to be? A