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From the vaudeville era

101 Romantic Gestures

101 Romantic Gestures These romantic gestures are quick and easy ways to show your love. Often times the most romantic gestures are the small acts we choose to do every day. This extensive list of 101 romantic gestures will help you be more creative in how you show your love. 101 Romantic Gestures 101 Romantic Gestures 101 Romantic Gestures 101 Romantic Gestures 1. Massage her feet 2. Clean her car 3. Stick a post-it note love in the kitchen 4. Snuggle 5. Make a romantic mix CD 6. Dance under the stars (with your mix CD playing from the car) 7. Hide love notes in her house and car (make sure she'll find them fAirly soon) 8. Have an undisturbed conversation (turn off phones, TVs, Computers etc.) 9. Light every candle you have to set a seductive, intimate mood 10. Pick up a pie or cake for dessert 11. Do thelaundry 12. Write a message on the mirror with a bar of soap 13. Make a calender with photos of both of you together 14. Unwind with a glass of w