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Showing posts with the label Before

From the vaudeville era

Hoping to Learn The Wobble Line Dance Before Your Next Event?

Hoping to Learn The Wobble Line Dance Before Your Next Event? Here's How   Hoping to learn the Wobble Line Dance but are too shy to get up on the floor. Afraid of making a mistake because you feel as if all eyes are on you, and you just know you'll end up turning in the wrong direction? Want to learn how to do the popular wobble line dance from the comfort of your home in 10 minutes even if you have two left feet? ... Read on. Hoping to Learn The Wobble Line Dance Before Your Next Event? Here's How Hoping to Learn The Wobble Line Dance Before Your Next Event? Here's How Hoping to Learn The Wobble Line Dance Before Your Next Event? Here's How Hoping to Learn The Wobble Line Dance Before Your Next Event? Here's How Dancing is gaining moMentum, ever since American's Got Talent, Dancing with the Stars and all of the other TV dance programs. Everyone is dancing from 8 to 88. Today, many are teaching line- dance steps. From he

Why and How You Need to Warm Up Before Your Dancing Classes

Why and How You Need to Warm Up Before Your Dancing Classes   I have already written an article in which I give some warm up exercises for you to do before your dancing class. It is really important to warm up before your dancing , or any other exercise classes for that matter. By warming up you will prevent possible injury and strain to your precious body, and prepare it for the vigorous work out ahead. Why and How You Need to Warm Up Before Your Dancing Classes Why and How You Need to Warm Up Before Your Dancing Classes Why and How You Need to Warm Up Before Your Dancing Classes Why and How You Need to Warm Up Before Your Dancing Classes Here are some more great warm up ideas for you to try. 1. Bend and Breathe. Start this exercise by standing with your feet shoulder width apart and your arms hanging relaxed at your sides. Inhale deeply and slowly lift your arms out to the sides and then over your head to form a wide V. Next tilt your torso to your righ