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Showing posts from December, 2020

From the vaudeville era

The Fighter

The Fighter   The Fighter   Based on a true story, 'The Fighter' stars Mark Wahlberg as 'Micky Ward', a professional boxer whom has had a string of bad luck with the desire to turn a new leaf for the sake of his career; Christian Bale stars as his older brother -'Dicky' - a previously successful boxer who loses his way after developing an addiction to crack cocaine. Th cinematography and soundtrack in particular make this movie an enjoyable one. During scenes in which characters are fighting (professionally), the visual appears much like it would if you were watching an actual fight on TV. In addition to this, the soundtrack includes hits like 'How You Like Me Now' and 'Here I Go Again', but more importantly, the songs are sometimes integrated in to the movie through subtle gestures (having the characters sing them, stopping the music when a radio gets turned down, etc). This lends a particular amount of authenticity to the film, an

Legendary Nights

Legendary Nights   Legendary Nights  Legendary Nights: The Tale of Gatti-Ward Legendary Nights   The real really real story, narrated by Mark Wahlberg, who played Mickey Ward in the very excellent film. I recommend this documentary to anybody, not just "boxing fans", but to any human who wants to know what "the human spirit" can be, what "heart" is. The Gatti-Ward story is drenched in it and I suggest one watch this, the Wahlberg film (Christian Bale's performance is epic), watch the trilogy on YouTube and read this book, and you'll see for yourself the spiritual baptism of blood, sweat, and tears. Micky Ward had one of the all-time great left hooks, especially to the body. It's truly a Hall of Fame punch. For that, and so very many other reasons, Ward should be in the Boxing Hall of Fame himself; SEE MORE FROM STORE Legendary Nights

Mickey Blue Eyes

Mickey Blue Eyes   Mickey Blue Eyes   Thought the end seems to have been hurriedly written to get an ending, I enjoyed watching an oxford English speaking actor who is caught up with gangsters and tries to speak in that gangster lingo. One of the best scenes in humor I've ever seen comes shortly near the beginning inside a Chinese restaurant and includes a ring, a goofy pushy restaurant owner, and lots of good comedy lines. As an artist myself, I love this movie, even with its silliness because its Hugh Grant being absurdly funny as an upper class Brit and the storyline includes art and art goings-on. Mickey Blue Eyes   SEE MORE FROM STORE Mickey Blue Eyes

The Adventures of Mickey Matson

The Adventures of Mickey Matson   The Adventures of Mickey Matson  The Adventures of Mickey Matson and the Pirate's Code The Adventures of Mickey Matson   Fantastic story in a fantastic series. My son loves these movies because they appeal to his age group (boys or girls). There is a common thread through all the Mickey Matson movies that make you feel like you can solve the mystery because you recognize something from a previous movie, but not necessary to see them all to understand each one. Good, clean kids mystery, great costumes and story line.  SEE MORE FROM STORE The Adventures of Mickey Matson

Micky Flanagan An' Another Fing Live

 Micky Flanagan An' Another Fing Live   Micky Flanagan An' Another Fing Live   Micky absolutely nailed it, can't remember a stand-up performance where I've laughed as hard! An average bloke is who is just proper funny, British comedy is by far the best in the world. Can't get enough! Micky Flanagan An' Another Fing Live   SEE MORE FROM STORE Micky Flanagan An' Another Fing Live